Dividing Decimals

Divisor: Outside number;  Dividend: Inside number;  Quotient: Answer
  1. Make the divisor (outside number) a whole number by shifting the decimal to the right. 
  2. Move the decimal in the dividend to the right the same number of times. (Note, the dividend might not become a whole number)
  3.  Pop the decimal straight up from the dividend onto the line.
  4. Ignore the decimal and divide. (do NOT move the decimal in the quotient at the end)

Video Example: 31.773 ÷ 5.1 =

                                   Video Example: 31.773 ÷ 5.1 =

Example: 19.5 ÷ 1.3 =
1.) Make the divisor a whole number . (1.3 became 13) 

2.) Move the decimal in the dividend  to the right the same number of times. (19.5 became 195) 

3.) Pop the decimal straight up from the dividend onto the line. (195 became a whole number, so we did not need a decimal on the line)

4.) Ignore the decimal and divide. (do NOT move the decimal in the quotient at the end)

Example: 2.604 ÷ 8.4 =
This example is from www.enchantedlearning.com.

Example: 48.5 ÷ 1.5 =
Notice how this quotient is a repeating decimal!

This example is from www.enchantedlearning.com.

Example: 6.85 ÷ .5 =

This example is from www.coolmath.com.

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