Multiplying Decimals

  1. Ignore the decimals and multiply the two numbers as whole numbers.
  2. Put the decimal back in the answer.
    • Count up how many digits are after the decimal point in both numbers you are multiplying. The answer should have that many numbers after its decimal point. 

                                                       1.2 × 6.04 =

  1. Ignore the decimals and multiply the two numbers as whole numbers.  604 × 12 = 7248
    • Hint: it is easier if you put the number with more digits on top.   
  2. Put the decimal back in the answer.   6.04 has 2 decimal places and 1.2 has 1 decimal place, so the answer has 3 decimal places:    1.2 × 6.04  = 7.248

                                                    6.04     2 decimal places
                                                 x   1.2     1 decimal place
                                                 + 6040
                                                    7.248   3 decimal places


                                                                                   .14 × .47=
                                                      .14    2 decimal places
                                                   x .47    2 decimal place
                                                  + 560
                                                  .0658    4 decimal places 
(We had to include a 0 in the tenths place when we put back the decimal because we had to move 4 decimal places)

Multiplying a Decimal by a Decimal Videos

Example 1: 1.34 x 9.8= 

Example 2: .34 x .23=

Example 3: 32.12 x 0.5=

Multiplying a Decimal by a Whole Number Video

Example 4: 2.735 x 4=

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